What we do

Leadership Training

To become a changemaker in your community you must know how to effectively communicate, organize and activate your team. We will empower you with the tools to be successful.

Trainings (Dates TBD)
1) Public Speaking and Building a Narrative
2) Coalition Building
3)Effective Messaging
4)Building a Movement through Social Media
5)Building a Movement within your Community
6) Grassroots Lobbying


Participating in elections is the foundation for holding our elected officials accountable. This means more than casting your ballot. We need to find and support allies for reform and safer streets. This includes money donations, volunteering on their campaigns to help spread their message, and get more people out to vote. The more advocates we have who are decision makers, the higher our chances are for passing meaningful reforms.


After elections come the real work. We must propose, identify and support reforms that we know are beneficial to making our communities safer. Our biggest impact starts at the local level. After we have proven the legislation effective and warranted, we can take the legislation to the state legislature for comprehensive widespread reform.

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